Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Shiroiya Hotel Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Shiroiya Hotel”) will handle personal information received from staying guests, clients, and job applicants (collectively hereinafter referred to as “customers”) in line with the privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) laid out below.

Article 1.
Personal Information and Methods of Collection

”Personal Information” shall be “Personal Information” as detailed in the Personal Information Protection Law, and shall mean information relating to a living individual, with such information including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, sex, nationality, passport information, visa, and marketing information, information submitted by customers via a form created by the Shiroiya Hotel, information inputted by staff of the Shiroiya Hotel based on the directions of a customer, information about services used and items purchased during previous stays, information about the preferences of the customers gained during previous stays at the Shiroiya Hotel, other credit information essential for transactions, and information that the Shiroiya Hotel obtains via the customer accessing the Shiroiya Hotel website (access terminal information, cookies and anonymous ID, location information, IP address).

Article 2.
Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

The purpose of the Shiroiya Hotel using the personal information collected from customers shall be as set out below.

  • To make contact with customers regarding reservations, etc.
  • To provide customers with information about services and products.
  • To undertake marketing activities
  • To analyze improvements to services and products
  • To send surveys regarding the improvement of services at the Shiroiya Hotel
  • To provide company information related to job recruitment, and to send out information about and manage recruitment events and employee screening.
  • To request observance of acceptable use conditions and rules regarding Shiroiya Hotel’s website and mobile site.
  • To protect the service and customer information provided via the Shiroiya Hotel’s website and mobile site.
  • Any other use to specify or announce information to customers

Article 3.
Changes to Purpose of Use

The Shiroiya Hotel may change the purpose of use of personal information only in cases where there is a rational reason regarding the purpose of use before the change. In the case where the purpose of use has been changed, the purpose of use after the change shall be notified to customers through the method defined by the Shiroiya Hotel, and will also be announced on this website.

Article 4.
Provision of personal information to third parties

  • Other than in the cases below, the Shiroiya Hotel will not provide to any third party personal information without the prior agreement of customers. However, this shall not apply to cases specified in the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and ordinances.
    • When it is necessary to protect the life, corporeal body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to the gain the assent of the said individual.
    • When it is necessary for the promotion of public health, or for the healthy upbringing of a child and it is difficult to go gain the assent of the individual.
    • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local public institution or anybody who has been entrusted by such institution with regards to work processes, and when to gain the assent of the individual could cause problems with said work processes.
    • When any of the following have been notified or publicized in advance and have been notified to the Shiroiya Hotel’s Personal Property Protection Committee.
      • When the purpose of use includes provision of information to a third party
      • Data items to be provided to a third party
      • Method or means of providing to a third party
      • When the provision of personal information to third parties is stopped on the basis of a request from the individual.
      • Method of receiving requests from individuals
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous paragraph, in the following cases, the places to where information is provided shall not be counted as third parties
    • When handling of all or part of personal information is necessary for the achievement of the Shiroiya Hotel’s purpose of use.
    • When personal information is provided following a merger or similar succession.
    • When personal information is shared with a specific party, and this fact and the reason for sharing of personal information and the scope of sharing of information, the purpose of the user of such information in using the information, and the name or title of the responsible party, shall be reported in advance to the subject him/herself or such information is made easy for the subject to know about.

Article 5.
Disclosure of Personal Information

  • When a guest requests the disclosure of personal information, the Shiroiya Hotel will without delay disclose such information to the guest. However when any of the following will occur in the case of disclosure, some or all of the information may be not disclosed, and in the case where non-disclosure is decided upon, this will be reported without delay
    • When there is the risk of damage to the life, corporeal body, property, or rights of either the guest or a third party
    • When there is a clear possibility of causing an obstacle to the suitable operations of the Shiroiya Hotel.
    • Cases when such action would lead to an infringement of laws or regulations.
  • Regardless of the preceding paragraph, in principal, we shall not disclose information about browsing history, characteristic information and other information which is not personal information.

Article 6.
Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

Respecting the rights of customers, in the case where we receive a request from a customer him/herself regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, imposing limits, deletion, or the right, based on laws and regulations, to data portability, the Shiroya Hotel will confirm the identity of customers, and respond within a reasonable and necessary scope.
Furthermore, in the case we have previously obtained the approval of the customer, the customer can revoke his/her approval by contacting us at the e-mail address below.

Article 7.
Changes to the Privacy Policy

If the contents of this Policy change for reasons other than changes in laws and regulations, the contents shall be changed without informing the customer. Except for cases otherwise specified by the Shiroiya Hotel, the revised privacy Policy shall come into force when it is uploaded to this website.

Article 8.
Inquiry Contact Details

Questions regarding this Policy should be directed to the following department.
Responsible Section: Shiroiya Hotel, Reservations Department